Odisha: Spell-binding performance of Odissi vocal & singing violin ... - Orissadiary.com
Lunes, 20 de Enero de 2014 09:04
Orissadiary.comOdisha: Spell-binding performance of Odissi vocal & singing violin ...Orissadiary.comThere first presentation was Raganga – Kadamba bane bansi bajila re set to Rag-Bajrakanti, Tal-Ektali and lyrics was by Gopal Krushna followed by Geeta Govinda – Mamiha Chalita Bilokya set to Rag-Kalabati, Tal-Tripata and the music was composed by ... Leer más:
Zakaj fantje nagajajo? - RTV Slovenija
Lunes, 20 de Enero de 2014 00:01
RTV SlovenijaZakaj fantje nagajajo?RTV SlovenijaMoja prijateljica ima problem. Stara je 12 let in ima sošolca, ki ji ves čas nagaja. Šopiri se čez njeno mizo, med poukom ji spleta kito in jo cuka za lase, krade ji listke na katere ona piše zasebne stvari, nagaja tudi njenemu najboljšemu prijatelju. Pravi še, da je ... Leer más:
Širi se gripa - RTV Slovenija
Lunes, 20 de Enero de 2014 00:00
RTV SlovenijaŠiri se gripaRTV SlovenijaV Sloveniji krožijo različni povzročitelji okužb zgornjih in spodnjih dihal. Kot navajajo na Nacionalnem inštitutu za javno zdravje, so potrdili prisotnost gripe v vseh slovenskih regijah, virusa pandemske gripe letos še niso laboratorijsko dokazali. Epidemiološki ...y más » Leer más:
Moji predniki - RTV Slovenija
Domingo, 19 de Enero de 2014 00:01
RTV SlovenijaMoji prednikiRTV SlovenijaDavid, ki me je pred dnevi spraševal o afriški hrani z zanimivim imenom me danes sprašuje ali so mamuti edini predniki slonov, ki imajo okle, ali imajo sloni tudi kakšne druge prednike z okli. Znanstveniki so pred časom v Maroku našli fosile (fosili so ostanki ... Leer más:
JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals appoints Krupa R Gandhi as Director - Equity Bulls
Sábado, 18 de Enero de 2014 04:22
JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals appoints Krupa R Gandhi as DirectorEquity BullsThe Board of Directors of JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd has appointed Ms. Krupa R. Gandhi, partner of Bansi S. Mehta & Co., Chartered Accountants, as an additional director of the Company. She is an independent director on the Board. Shares of JB ... Leer más:
Domač kruh - RTV Slovenija
Sábado, 18 de Enero de 2014 00:00
RTV SlovenijaDomač kruhRTV SlovenijaMmm ... Danes bo dišalo iz moje kuhinje! Spekel sem namreč slasten kruh s semeni. Vas zanima, kako ga pripravimo? Za pripravo srednje velikega hlebčka boste potrebovali 200 gramov polnozrnate moke, 200 gramov ržene moke, 200 gramov poljubnih ... Leer más:
Tisti dobri čevlji - RTV Slovenija
Viernes, 17 de Enero de 2014 00:01
RTV SlovenijaTisti dobri čevljiRTV SlovenijaOriana mi je pisala, da je na internetu našla čevlje znamke Dr. Martens in bi rada, da ji o njih povem kaj več. Zanima jo tudi cena. To so tradicionalni, kultni britanski čevlji. Rečejo jim tudi Doc Martens, Docs ali DM. Sprva so jih, zato ker so zelo trpežni nosili ... Leer más:
Opening to take your breath away - Times of India
Miércoles, 15 de Enero de 2014 16:20
Opening to take your breath awayTimes of India"The opening ceremony will depict Goan culture, lifestyle and environment," he added. Bansi Kaul is the brain behind the ceremonies but the celebrated theatre director, expectedly, did not reveal much. "I will not tell you what we have planed for the ...y más » Leer más:
Rewalsar suffers at hands of state govt's indifference - Hindustan Times
Miércoles, 15 de Enero de 2014 08:25
Rewalsar suffers at hands of state govt's indifferenceHindustan TimesRewalsar gram panchayat chief Tej Singh and Rewalsar nagar panchayat president Bansi Lal said the government and tourism department had released grant-in-aid for the area's development regularly in the past, but the initiatives had failed to serve the ... Leer más:
What is the Benefit of Benefits Street? - Huffington Post UK
Martes, 14 de Enero de 2014 11:56
What is the Benefit of Benefits Street?Huffington Post UKChannel 4's controversial new show, deemed 'poverty porn' by social commentators, TV reviewers and critics, is an uncomfortable, uncompromising experience. Having watched two episodes now and having felt a little bit grubby afterwards, I have ...y más » Leer más:
'I watch plays only through the viewfinder' - Indian Express
Martes, 14 de Enero de 2014 11:33
'I watch plays only through the viewfinder'Indian ExpressHis journey to NSD began when a student group led by Bansi Kaul arrived in Madurai for a workshop and Thyagarajan, a chemistry graduate with a secretarial course under his belt, was hired to maintain the registers. His first job at NSD was as an ... Leer más:
Buena respuesta ciudadana para el pago del predial - La Razón
Martes, 14 de Enero de 2014 03:13
Buena respuesta ciudadana para el pago del predialLa RazónFinalmente, en cuestión del refinanciamiento de la deuda heredada, dijo que sería cerca de 1 millón 200 mil pesos los que se estarían pagando mensualmente a la institución bancaria BANSI, ya que es la que reestructure la deuda municipal, misma que ...y más » Leer más:
Indian consumers tighten their belts - Financial Times
Martes, 14 de Enero de 2014 03:06
Indian consumers tighten their beltsFinancial TimesAt the next-door Bansi Flour Mill, which sells Indian staples such as rice, dal and oil, owner Saurav Luthra says his customers are trading down in terms of quality to save money, and have stopped buying treats such as dried fruits and nuts. “Luxury ...y más » Leer más:
Dead drug dealer alive and kicking - Times of India
Lunes, 13 de Enero de 2014 14:11
Dead drug dealer alive and kickingTimes of IndiaDhakad also said he had paid Rs 13 lakh to Bansi for arranging his lookalike to execute the plot. Declared dead on record two smugglers sprang to life, leaving police in a tizzy and roughly adopted the same modus operandi as by opium mafia on lines of ... Leer más:
Teams put health first at Palm Springs codeathon - The Desert Sun
Lunes, 13 de Enero de 2014 01:17
Teams put health first at Palm Springs codeathonThe Desert SunBansi Shaw pitches an app called Health Crew to a panel of judges during a weekend health-based codeathon on Sunday at the Ace Hotel & Swim Club in Palm Springs. / Crystal Chatham/The Desert Sun. More. ADVERTISEMENT. PALM SPRINGS — Nine ... Leer más:
NJC, govs and the power to appoint CJs - Nigerian Tribune
Domingo, 12 de Enero de 2014 17:08
Nigerian TribuneNJC, govs and the power to appoint CJsNigerian TribuneMusa became the fourth acting chief judge of Adamawa State since July 2011, when the substantive Chief Judge, Justice Bemare Bansi, retired from the bench. Nyako refused to appoint an acting chief judge for the state until members of the state branch ... Leer más:
Kemo Lala: Loud And Large On The Turf - The Guardian Nigeria
Viernes, 10 de Enero de 2014 18:11
Kemo Lala: Loud And Large On The TurfThe Guardian NigeriaBut that is not the case with the amiable, beautiful, girlish and unpretentiously friendly Kemi 'Lala' Akindoju. The Ondo State born actress who is known mostly for her work on stage with plays like The V Monologues and Sizwe Bansi is Dead, got her ... Leer más:
No Riots Here: Why Tottenham Has Some Hope - Huffington Post UK
Viernes, 10 de Enero de 2014 11:30
No Riots Here: Why Tottenham Has Some HopeHuffington Post UKIt's not often that you find yourself in the middle of what might turn into a hostile crowd at eight in the evening. It's not often that you watch press photographers jostling for position, surrounded by angry onlookers and see faces of people who have ...y más » Leer más:
Tony Nominee Forrest McClendon to Star in Lantern Theatre's ... - Broadway World
Miércoles, 08 de Enero de 2014 15:39
Tony Nominee Forrest McClendon to Star in Lantern Theatre's ...Broadway WorldForrest has previously performed at the Lantern in 2009's Sizwe Bansi Is Dead and 2004's Death and the King's Horseman. Barrymore Award-winner Joe Guzmán returns to the Lantern stage for the tenth time as conspiring Roman senator Caius Cassius. Leer más:
Ambedkar's foresight - Frontline
Miércoles, 08 de Enero de 2014 02:24
Ambedkar's foresightFrontlineWhy pick on her alone, when you have the likes of Mulayam Singh Yadav, who praised a person accused of a crime like murder because he had voted for him; the three Lals of Haryana—Bansi, Bhajan and Devi—Mamata Banerjee of West Bengal, and Lalu ... Leer más: