Domača naloga - RTV Slovenija
Viernes, 14 de Febrero de 2014 00:00
RTV SlovenijaDomača nalogaRTV SlovenijaNeža, ki mi sicer večkrat pridno piše, se je oglasila pred dnevi. Pravi, da pripravlja seminarsko nalogo, za katero mora izvedeti različne lastnosti rastlinskega olja, soli, konzevransov in krompirja. Spraševala me je že o stearinu, mimogrede poznate to snov? Leer más:
Lord of the lens - Indian Express
Jueves, 13 de Febrero de 2014 11:38
Indian ExpressLord of the lensIndian ExpressWhen she was told that those were not houses, rather artificially constructed sets by art director Bansi Chandragupta, she immediately congratulated Chandragupta for making artificial sets look like real houses. That was the time when almost everyone ... Leer más:
Zakaj sta si knjigi podobni? - RTV Slovenija
Jueves, 13 de Febrero de 2014 00:03
RTV SlovenijaZakaj sta si knjigi podobni?RTV SlovenijaPrijateljica Oriana zelo rada bere. Pisala mi je, da je prebrala knjigo Mož s podstrešja, nato pa je začela brati še eno knjigo istega avtorja. Tej drugi je naslov Ime mi je Mina. Med branjem je ugotovila, da sta si podobni in me sprašuje, zakaj je tako. Leer más:
Congressman Danny Davis honors ethnic leaders - INDOlink
Miércoles, 12 de Febrero de 2014 23:29
Congressman Danny Davis honors ethnic leadersINDOlinkRaja Krishnamurti, Bhanvar Joshi, Dr Bansi Sharma, Keerthi Ravoori, Dr Jacob Ehsan, Dr Nazarian, Gopal Shah, Dr Mahesh Parikh, Vijender Doma, Moon Khan, Sateesan Nair, Imtiaz Ahmed, Jermo Ahisstom and Judge Marianne Jackson were among the ... Leer más:
Julius Caesar, Starring Tony Nominee Forrest McClendon, Opens at ... -
Martes, 11 de Febrero de 2014 23:07
Playbill.comJulius Caesar, Starring Tony Nominee Forrest McClendon, Opens at ...Playbill.comDirected by artistic director Charles McMahon, the cast includes McClendon (The Scottsboro Boys, Sizwe Bansi Is Dead) as Julius Caesar, Joe Guzmán (Twelfth Night, A Doll's House) as Caius Cassius, U.R. (The Island, Stick Fly) as Marcus Brutus and Jered ... Leer más:
Oliver Price Takes First Leg of Grosvenor UK Poker Tour - Poker News Report
Lunes, 10 de Febrero de 2014 03:09
Poker News ReportOliver Price Takes First Leg of Grosvenor UK Poker TourPoker News Report... contention for a big slice of the prize money were recent EPT Deauville Finalists Harry Law (337,500 chips) and Oliver Price (328,500 chips), and GUKPT regulars Matt Frankland (254,500 chips), Praz Bansi (250,000 chips) and Ben Vinson (248,000 chips).Only 27 players Remain in the GUKPT London Main EventPokerNews.comlos 2 artículos informativos » Leer más:
Rojstvo zobne ščetke - RTV Slovenija
Lunes, 10 de Febrero de 2014 00:32
RTV SlovenijaRojstvo zobne ščetkeRTV SlovenijaVsi jo poznamo, vsi jo imamo, vsi jo redno uporabljamo, vsaj dvakrat dnevno. Kaj sem slišal? Kdo je ne uporablja? Še dobro, da sem prijazen slon, ker sicer bi vas za ušesa. Dovolim vam, da do konca preberete, kako se je rodila zobna ščetka, potem pa hiiitro ... Leer más:
Dogri Sanstha felicitates literary personalities - GroundReport
Domingo, 09 de Febrero de 2014 09:29
Dogri Sanstha felicitates literary personalitiesGroundReportShashi Pathania, Dr. Bansi Lal Sharma, Krishan Sharma, Dr. Yash Raina and Shri Dheeraj Kesar respectively. The programme which was organized by the Dogri Sanstha at Jammu University on Sunday started with the screening of the Tarana of Dogri ...y más » Leer más:
Only 27 players Remain in the GUKPT London Main Event -
Domingo, 09 de Febrero de 2014 05:51
Only 27 players Remain in the GUKPT London Main Price (328,500) who performed heroics at the recent European Poker Tour Deauville Main Event (Law finished fifth for €164,600 while Price came third for €271,200), Mathew Frankland (254,500), Praz Bansi (250,000), Ben Vinson (248,000), former ... Leer más:
New tech to help chopper pilots weather the storm - Times of India
Sábado, 08 de Febrero de 2014 17:39
New tech to help chopper pilots weather the stormTimes of India... have claimed lives of VIPs, defence personnel and politicians like Andhra chief minister YSR Reddy, Arunachal CM Dorjee Khandu, Lok Sabha speaker GMC Balayogi, industrialist O P Jindal and Surender Singh, the son of Haryana politician Bansi Lal. Leer más:
La CNBV aplica multas a bancos mexicanos - Noticieros Televisa
Viernes, 07 de Febrero de 2014 14:30
La CNBV aplica multas a bancos mexicanosNoticieros TelevisaEn tanto que la multa impuesta a Bansi apenas y sumó 5,057 pesos, como consecuencia de requerir información a Sociedades de Información Crediticia, sin contar con la autorización expresa del cliente. De acuerdo con las últimas estadísticas del ... Leer más:
Stars Turn Out in Force For the 2014 GUKPT London Main Event -
Viernes, 07 de Febrero de 2014 05:06
Stars Turn Out in Force For the 2014 GUKPT London Main EventPokerNews.comNeil Channing, Mathew Frankland, Praz Bansi, Simon Deadman, Leon Louis, Team PokerStars Pro Mickey Petersen, Dominik Nitsche and former GUKPT Grand Final winner Sam Grafton being a handful of poker superstars who bought into Day 1a and ... Leer más:
India Bonds, Rupee Set for Weekly Gains on Spectrum-Sale Inflows - Businessweek
Jueves, 06 de Febrero de 2014 23:06
India Bonds, Rupee Set for Weekly Gains on Spectrum-Sale InflowsBusinessweek“The easy cash position of the central government has inspired confidence in the market that it would stay comfortably within its fiscal-deficit limit,” analysts at STCI Primary Dealer Ltd., including Bansi Madhavani in Mumbai, wrote in a research ... Leer más:
Refinancia Solidaridad créditos para impulsar megaobras -
Jueves, 06 de Febrero de 2014 07:23
Sipse.comRefinancia Solidaridad créditos para impulsar megaobrasSipse.comEl funcionario no adelantó con qué banco se refinanciaría la deuda. Bansi es el con el que actualmente se tiene el compromiso de los 517 millones. NOTAS RELACIONADAS. La pista de atletismo tendrá un recubrimiento de tartán. (Adrián Barreto/SIPSE) ... Leer más:
Sólo 76% de bancos cumple con calidad de información ante CNBV - Tribuna de San Luis
Jueves, 06 de Febrero de 2014 04:11
Sólo 76% de bancos cumple con calidad de información ante CNBVTribuna de San LuisTan sólo en diciembre pasado, 11 de los 46 bancos en el país -Ahorro Famsa, Bancrea, Bicentenario, Azteca, Base, ABC Capital, The Royal Bank of Scotland, Bansí, CIBanco, Inmobiliario Mexicano y Ve por Más (Bx+)- tuvieron alguna deficiencia en la ... Leer más:
The Young Vic: the best theatre in town -
Jueves, 06 de Febrero de 2014 01:03 Young Vic: the best theatre in this year's line-up puts the National Theatre to shame for big names, new talent, fresh ideas, co-production – after Happy Days comes Athol Fugard's masterpiece Sizwe Bansi is Dead, Ivo van Hove's radical take on A View from the Bridge, Gillian ... Leer más:
Dr Ashok Khemka: The 'unsung' hero - Moneylife
Miércoles, 05 de Febrero de 2014 01:52
Dr Ashok Khemka: The 'unsung' heroMoneylifeThe Congress, then in opposition, clapped from the sidelines. Dr Khemka has worked with four chief ministers - Bhajan Lal, Bansi Lal, Om Prakash Chautala and Bhupinder Singh Hooda - and has had run-ins with all of them over his stand on various issues.y más » Leer más:
Kakšne so šole v Malaviju? - RTV Slovenija
Miércoles, 05 de Febrero de 2014 01:47
RTV SlovenijaKakšne so šole v Malaviju?RTV SlovenijaV Afriki so razmere za šolstvo povsem drugačne kot v Sloveniji in ostalih evropskih mestih oziroma povsod v razvitem svetu. Tokrat bomo pobliže spoznali življenje otrok in šolske razmere v državi Malavi, od koder se nam je oglasila slovenska prostovoljka ... Leer más:
Crowd takes Samajwadi Party leader hostage - Times of India
Martes, 04 de Febrero de 2014 21:01
Times of IndiaCrowd takes Samajwadi Party leader hostageTimes of IndiaA district level leader, was on his way to attend the event in Karhal assembly constituency when he was intercepted by hundreds of locals from Prem Nagar and adjoining villages of Nagle Salehi, Bansi and Kusurwa. The crowd was agitated over no response ...y más » Leer más:
ZOO: "Risa nista nevarna za ljudi!" - RTV Slovenija
Martes, 04 de Febrero de 2014 06:56
RTV SlovenijaZOO: "Risa nista nevarna za ljudi!"RTV SlovenijaV teh dneh v Sloveniji veliko težav povzročata žled in izpad elektrike v mnogih gospodinjstvih. Iz ljubljanskega živalskega vrta pa poročajo tudi o pobeglih risih, ki sta napadla gamsa, njunega "soseda" v živalskem vrtu. Kar je najpomembnejše: oskrbniki ...y más » Leer más: