PICS: संदर्भ बंसी कौल को पद्मश्री: नटगीरी और ... - दैनिक भास्कर
Lunes, 27 de Enero de 2014 02:00
PICS: संदर्भ बंसी कौल को पद्मश्री: नटगीरी और ...दैनिक भास्कररंगविदूषक संस्था भोपाल के संस्थापक निदेशक, रंगश्री लिटिल बैले ट्रूप के ट्रस्टी एवं नाट्य निर्देशक बंसी कौल को भारत सरकार द्वारा प्रतिष्ठित सम्मान ''पद्मश्री'' से अलंकृत किया जाएगा। उन्हें ...y más » Leer más:
Padma Vibhushan for BKS Iyengar, RA Mashelkar - The Hindu
Domingo, 26 de Enero de 2014 01:51
The HinduPadma Vibhushan for BKS Iyengar, RA MashelkarThe HinduCine stars Paresh Rawal and Vidya Balan, sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik, theatre artist Bansi Kaul, Chairperson of the Chennai-based Tractors and Farm Equipment (TAFE) Mallika Srinivasan, P. Kilemsungla, and Union Minister Sharad Pawar's brother ...Anisuzzaman named for Padma BhushanThe Daily StarKamala Haasan, Vidya Balan among Padma winnersEconomic TimesPadma Bhushan for Kamal Haasan, Gopichand, Ruskin Bond, Paes ...Deccan Chroniclelos 137 artículos informativos » Leer más:
Anisuzzaman named for Padma Bhushan - The Daily Star
Sábado, 25 de Enero de 2014 23:13
Anisuzzaman named for Padma BhushanThe Daily StarCine stars Paresh Rawal and Vidya Balan, sand artists Sudarsan Pattnaik and theatre artist Bansi Kaul are among the 102 selected for this year's Padma Shri. Published: 11:16 am Sunday, January 26, 2014. Last modified: 3:00 pm Sunday, January 26, 2014.y más » Leer más:
Scripts For A Bigger Stage - The New Indian Express
Sábado, 25 de Enero de 2014 18:32
The New Indian ExpressScripts For A Bigger StageThe New Indian ExpressThe festival paid a tribute to the works of living legends like Dinesh Thakur, MK Raina, B Jaishree, Bansi Kaul and Neelam Mansingh and saw younger directors stage the beautiful balance between verbal and non verbal theatre. Jagdish R who was a ... Leer más:
Scientist Mashelkar, yoga guru BKS Iyengar get Padma Vibhushan - Indian Express
Sábado, 25 de Enero de 2014 14:25
Scientist Mashelkar, yoga guru BKS Iyengar get Padma VibhushanIndian ExpressCricketer Yuvraj Singh, cine stars Paresh Rawal and Vidya Balan, sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik, theatre artist Bansi Kaul neurologist Sunil Pradhan, oncologist Rajesh Grover, vascular surgeon Thenumgal Poulose Jacob, fashion designer Wendell Rodricks, ... Leer más:
Padma award winners announced -
Sábado, 25 de Enero de 2014 11:25
Padma award winners announcedgulfnews.comVijay Ghate, Art-Instrumental Music- Tabla, Maharashtra. Rani Karnaa, Art-Kathak, West Bengal. Bansi Kaul, Art-Theatre, Jammu and Kashmir. Ustad Moinuddin Khan, Art-Instrumental Music-Sarangi Player, Rajasthan. Geeta Mahalik, Art-Odishi Dance, Delhi.y más » Leer más:
RA Mashelkar, Yuvraj Singh to be conferred with Padma awards -
Sábado, 25 de Enero de 2014 09:19
indiatvnews.comRA Mashelkar, Yuvraj Singh to be conferred with Padma awardsindiatvnews.comWhereas, cricketer Yuvraj Singh, cine stars Paresh Rawal and Vidya Balan, sand artists Sudarsan Pattnaik and theatre artist Bansi Kaul were among 101 selected for this year's Padma Shri. The awards are announced on the occasion of Republic Day every ... Leer más:
Pred odhodom na smučišče so vaje nujne! - RTV Slovenija
Sábado, 25 de Enero de 2014 04:14
RTV SlovenijaPred odhodom na smučišče so vaje nujne!RTV SlovenijaMnogi ste letos morda že stali na smučkah in veselo smučali, spet drugi pa ravno v teh dneh veselo čakate, da boste lahko končno preizkusili prvi težko pričakovani sneg, kajne? Kakor koli že, dragi starši, upamo, da se zavedate, da je smučanje šport, ... Leer más:
...Thinking of theatre - The Hindu
Viernes, 24 de Enero de 2014 09:14
The Hindu...Thinking of theatreThe HinduI can give you hundreds of examples of such individuals: M.K. Raina, Bansi Kaul, Devendra Raj Ankur, B. Jayashree, Ratan Thiyam, there are so many names, who can be called 'stars' of theatre. But some need to make ends meet. That is why we are saying ... Leer más:
Relaunch of a Classic - Moneylife - Moneylife
Viernes, 24 de Enero de 2014 04:49
Relaunch of a Classic - MoneylifeMoneylifeAmong the audience were noted tax practioners, Dinesh Vyas, Bansi Mehta and YH Malegam. Releasing the book, Mr Dastur said, “He (Mr Datar) broaches all the issues which are very relevant today, and will continue to be relevant in the future as well.y más » Leer más:
Juhu! Končno sneži! - RTV Slovenija
Viernes, 24 de Enero de 2014 02:54
RTV SlovenijaJuhu! Končno sneži!RTV SlovenijaPa smo ga dočakali, kajne? Ste kaj veseli, ker so se snežne snežinke končno prikazale? Presenetil pa nas ni le sneg, temveč tudi precej močna burja, ki se bo še nadaljevala. Po poročanju vremenoslovcev se zna zgoditi, da bo zapadlo do 30 centimetrov ... Leer más:
A captivating end to NSD's theatre festival - The Asian Age
Jueves, 23 de Enero de 2014 22:15
A captivating end to NSD's theatre festivalThe Asian AgeBansi Kaul's version of Brecht's Exception and The Rule in Hindi as Saudagar. The presentation was inspired by the jokers with whom Bansi has been working for a while. There were three jokers named the Tilangas who commented on the action on behalf of ... Leer más:
Minor Hockey Report - Merritt Herald
Jueves, 23 de Enero de 2014 10:36
Merritt HeraldMinor Hockey ReportMerritt HeraldAssists went to Anthony Tulliani, Tanveer Bansi, Eric Lalonde, Noah Racine and Sahota. Sunday, the Murray GM squad were upset by Kamloops' tier 4 side 3-2 in an exhibition game between the two teams. Only Cameron St. Louis and. Sahota were able to ... Leer más:
Moneylife Foundation book launch: Relaunch of a classic - Moneylife
Jueves, 23 de Enero de 2014 06:34
Moneylife Foundation book launch: Relaunch of a classicMoneylifeAmong the audience were noted tax practioners, Dinesh Vyas, Bansi Mehta and YH Malegam. Releasing the book, Mr Dastur said, “He (Mr Datar) broaches all the issues which are very relevant today, and will continue to be relevant in the future as well.y más » Leer más:
At Kaladera farmers battle beverage giant - The Hindu
Jueves, 23 de Enero de 2014 02:55
The HinduAt Kaladera farmers battle beverage giantThe HinduTill the late 1990s, Bansi Aheer, like all other farmers around Kaladera, used to irrigate his seven-bigha farm, drawing water from a well. “Water was easily available at about 40 feet. But it dropped annually by one or two feet and later by eight or ...y más » Leer más:
Maček Muri v Mali ulici - RTV Slovenija
Jueves, 23 de Enero de 2014 00:00
RTV SlovenijaMaček Muri v Mali uliciRTV SlovenijaJutri, v petek, 24. januarja Družinski center (DC) praznuje svojo prvo obletnico otvoritve. Starše ter stare starše ob 17.uri vabijo na košček rojstnodnevne torte in na koncert Nece Falk, ki bo na Malo ulico pripeljala Mačka Murija. Napovedujejo, da bodo od 17. Leer más:
Water wars between farmers and beverage giant at Kaladera - The Hindu
Miércoles, 22 de Enero de 2014 14:14
Water wars between farmers and beverage giant at KaladeraThe HinduTill the late 1990s, Bansi Aheer, like all other farmers around Kaladera, used to irrigate his seven-bigha farm, drawing water from a well. “Water was easily available at about 40 feet. But it dropped annually by one or two feet and later by eight or ... Leer más:
Zapeljite se z otrokom v superavtu - RTV Slovenija
Miércoles, 22 de Enero de 2014 10:17
RTV SlovenijaZapeljite se z otrokom v superavtuRTV SlovenijaPo ljubljanskih cestah bodo v četrtek vozili superavtomobili prestižnih blagovnih znamk, ki bodo naključnim potnikom, čakajočim na mestni prevoz, ponudili vožnjo in jih zapeljali do želene izhodne postaje. Ob tem jim bodo predstavili novo avtomobilistično ...y más » Leer más:
Zapeljite se z otrokom v super avtu - RTV Slovenija
Miércoles, 22 de Enero de 2014 02:15
RTV SlovenijaZapeljite se z otrokom v super avtuRTV SlovenijaPo ljubljanskih cestah bodo v četrtek vozili super avtomobili prestižnih blagovnih znamk, ki bodo naključnim potnikom, čakajočim na mestni prevoz, ponudili vožnjo in jih zapeljali do želene izhodne postaje. Ob tem jim bodo predstavili novo avtomobilistično ...y más » Leer más:
Zajčkovo bralno znamenje - RTV Slovenija
Miércoles, 22 de Enero de 2014 00:02
RTV SlovenijaZajčkovo bralno znamenjeRTV SlovenijaDobro jutro, dragi prijatelji! Danes bomo skupaj pripravili navihano bralno znamenje, ki bo popestrilo vaše bralne urice. Za naše ustvarjanje bomo potrebovali le nekaj raznobarvnega tršega papirja, škarje, lepilo in domišljijo. Torej, najprej izrežemo ... Leer más: