Starši? Neusahljiv bankomat! - RTV Slovenija
Martes, 04 de Febrero de 2014 00:00
RTV SlovenijaStarši? Neusahljiv bankomat!RTV SlovenijaKako z žepnino preživeti mesec, kako do 18. leta privarčevati za avtomobil, v kateri banki varčevati, kateri poklic je zame najprimernejši, s katerimi opravili lahko zaslužim pet evrov na uro - odgovore na ta in podobna vprašanja ponuja Priročnik za učitelje ... Leer más:
Robeson play set for Saturday afternoon in West Caldwell - New Jersey Hills
Lunes, 03 de Febrero de 2014 18:46
Robeson play set for Saturday afternoon in West CaldwellNew Jersey HillsIn addition to directing and producing plays, he has received critical acclaim for his performances in the ETC productions of “Uncle Tom's Children,” “Kabnis,” and “Sizwe Bansi is Dead;” the Crossroads Theatre Company productions of “Roads of the ...y más » Leer más:
Kaj je žled? - RTV Slovenija
Lunes, 03 de Febrero de 2014 01:03
RTV SlovenijaKaj je žled?RTV SlovenijaV teh dneh veliko govorimo o žledu. Padal je skoraj povsod, skoraj ni kraja, ki bi ga izpustil. Ponekod je povzročil pravi kaos. Avtomobili in vlaki so obstali, nekateri so imeli večurne zamude. Nekaj šol je zaprlo vrata, kar nekaj jih je zaprtih tudi še danes. Leer más:
Olajšave za otroke do srede - RTV Slovenija
Lunes, 03 de Febrero de 2014 01:03
RTV SlovenijaOlajšave za otroke do sredeRTV SlovenijaZavezanci za dohodnino, ki lani med letom niso uveljavljali posebne olajšave za vzdrževane družinske člane oziroma so jo uveljavljali, a želijo te podatke spremeniti, morajo vlogo na pristojno davčno upravo oddati najpozneje do srede, 5. februarja, ...y más » Leer más:
Skočimo v Soči in navijajmo! - RTV Slovenija
Domingo, 02 de Febrero de 2014 04:12
RTV SlovenijaSkočimo v Soči in navijajmo!RTV SlovenijaV teh dneh vsi govorijo o Sočiju - pa še ves mesec bodo! Soči je rusko mesto, v katerem se bodo na zimskih olimpijskih igrah zbrali najboljši športniki na svetu. Veste, kaj so olimpijske igre? To je največje druženje športnikov na svetu. Poznamo poletne in ... Leer más:
PUSTNI NATEČAJ: Pošljite šeme! - RTV Slovenija
Domingo, 02 de Febrero de 2014 04:12
RTV SlovenijaPUSTNI NATEČAJ: Pošljite šeme!RTV SlovenijaVse do pustnega torka, torej do 4. marca, imate čas, da nam na
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pošljete risbico ali fotografijo na temo pusta. Lahko je to fotografija iz preteklih let ali morda nekdo od vaših prijateljev. Zbiramo namreč najrazličnejše pustne maske, ideje, kako si ... Leer más:
Governance is not rocket science; all it requires is right intent, says ... - Moneylife
Sábado, 01 de Febrero de 2014 11:45
Governance is not rocket science; all it requires is right intent, says ...MoneylifeThe Congress, then in opposition, clapped from the sidelines. Dr Khemka has worked with four chief ministers - Bhajan Lal, Bansi Lal, Om Prakash Chautala and Bhupinder Singh Hooda - and has had run-ins with all of them over his stand on various issues.y más » Leer más:
PUSTNI NATEČAJ: Pošljite fotografije in risbice - RTV Slovenija
Sábado, 01 de Febrero de 2014 00:02
RTV SlovenijaPUSTNI NATEČAJ: Pošljite fotografije in risbiceRTV SlovenijaVse do pustnega torka, torej do 4. marca imate čas, da nam na
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pošljete risbico ali fotografijo na temo pusta. Lahko je to fotografija iz preteklih let ali morda nekdo od vaših prijateljev. Zbiramo namreč najrazličnejše pustne maske, ideje, kako si ... Leer más:
Stearin in plastična embalaža - RTV Slovenija
Sábado, 01 de Febrero de 2014 00:00
RTV SlovenijaStearin in plastična embalažaRTV SlovenijaDanes bom odgovoril na vprašanje, s katerim sem se, priznam, pošteno namučil. Neža potrebuje cel kup podatkov o stearinu in plastični embalaži. Zanima jo topnost, toplotna prevodnost, gostota, magnetnost ... Če bi imel lase, bi bil danes pošteno siv, tako ... Leer más:
A comprehensively corrupt government - Hindu Business Line
Miércoles, 29 de Enero de 2014 10:21
Hindu Business LineA comprehensively corrupt governmentHindu Business LineBut so did the Chautala clan, Bhajan Lal, and Bansi Lal before him (sab chor hain, babuji my farm hands say). Today, the culture of corruption is endemic in all parts of Haryana's social and cultural life, with public institutions having been ...y más » Leer más:
Sizwe Banzi is Dead National Tour following run at Young Vic - London West End Theatre News, Reviews Interviews and Tickets
Miércoles, 29 de Enero de 2014 09:35
London West End Theatre News, Reviews Interviews and TicketsSizwe Banzi is Dead National Tour following run at Young VicLondon West End Theatre News, Reviews Interviews and TicketsMatthew Xia, director of Sizwe Bansi is Dead, said: “Athol Fugard and his collaborators have created a brutally honest portrayal of the everyday struggle faced by millions of South Africans under the apartheid regime. Despite the collapse of apartheid ... Leer más:
NJC, Governors and the Power to Appoint Chief Judges -
Miércoles, 29 de Enero de 2014 01:18
NJC, Governors and the Power to Appoint Chief JudgesAllAfrica.comMusa became the fourth Acting Chief Judge of Adamawa State since July 2011 when the substantive Chief Judge, Justice Bemare Bansi, retired from the bench. Nyako refused to appoint an Acting Chief Judge for the state until members of the state branch of ... Leer más:
Three shops reduced to ashes in major fire : Shimla - HimVani
Miércoles, 29 de Enero de 2014 00:04
Three shops reduced to ashes in major fire : ShimlaHimVaniSurinder Pall and Sons, M/s Nihanal Ram Lok, M/s Manish Garments, M/s Ganpatarai Bansi Lal, M/s. Jagat Singh Gurbench Singh and Radha Krishan General store. The eye witness and former vice president of Vyapar Mandal Shimla Mr. Ashwani Sood said ... Leer más:
Future Business Leaders of Lemont HS Take Home Top Prizes -
Martes, 28 de Enero de 2014 23:30
Future Business Leaders of Lemont HS Take Home Top PrizesPatch.comJuniors Roy DelaTorre, Santino Fortino and Connor Koehler placed second in Global Business; juniors Rachael Hill andMairead Hogan were the runner-up in Emerging Business Issues; juniors Emma O'Leary and Bansi Padalia finished second in Business ... Leer más:
Lusofonia Games: Nhehern to star in sports segment - Times of India
Martes, 28 de Enero de 2014 18:46
Lusofonia Games: Nhehern to star in sports segmentTimes of IndiaIndigenous performing art are now becoming sports, mallakhamb for example," said creative director Bansi Kaul. "Sports and art are common," he added. Leading the way at the sports segment, expected to be around ten minutes, will be Nhehern, India's ... Leer más:
Ayman Zbib Leads EPT Deauville Going into Day 2 - Official WPT Poker Magazine
Martes, 28 de Enero de 2014 10:14
Official WPT Poker MagazineAyman Zbib Leads EPT Deauville Going into Day 2Official WPT Poker Magazine... Eugene Katchalov and Marcin Horecki. Notable casualties from Day 1b included Praz Bansi, Sylvain Loosli, last year's Deauville champion Remi Castaignon along with PokerStars Pros contingents Vicky Coren and previous Deauville winner in Jake EPT Deauville Main Event Day 1b: Geilich Puts in ...PokerNews.comlos 19 artículos informativos » Leer más:
Poznate slovansko mitologijo? - RTV Slovenija
Lunes, 27 de Enero de 2014 23:25
RTV SlovenijaPoznate slovansko mitologijo?RTV SlovenijaVse to in še več vidikov našega prastarega izročila boste lahko dodatno spoznavali na Staroslovanskem semenju, ki bo v Ljubljani 15. marca. Če pa se vam je ob branju porajalo še kakšno vprašanje, mi lahko pišete na
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! Želim vam prelep dan. Leer más:
Lemont's FBLA chapter posts eight first-place finishes at regional ... - Chicago Tribune
Lunes, 27 de Enero de 2014 14:18
Lemont's FBLA chapter posts eight first-place finishes at regional ...Chicago TribuneJuniors Roy DelaTorre, Santino Fortino and Connor Koehler placed second in Global Business; juniors Rachael Hill and Mairead Hogan were the runner-up in Emerging Business Issues; juniors Emma O'Leary and Bansi Padalia finished second in Business ... Leer más:
Begum Parveen Sultana, Tamil lyricist Vairamuthu wins Padma ... -
Lunes, 27 de Enero de 2014 08:41
Begum Parveen Sultana, Tamil lyricist Vairamuthu wins Padma ...RadioandMusic.comTheatre personality Bansi Kaul and Mohammad Ali Baig, filmmaker and cinematographer Santosh Sivan, TV actress Nayana Apte Joshi, musician Musafir Ram Bhardwaj, Manipuri dancer Elam Endira Devi, Kathak dancer from Bengal Rani Karnaa, film ...y más » Leer más:
Lusofonia Games closing ceremony to pack 'sporting' punch - Zee News
Lunes, 27 de Enero de 2014 05:13
Lusofonia Games closing ceremony to pack 'sporting' punchZee NewsCelebrated theatre director Bansi Kaul, the creative brain behind the orchestration of the opening ceremony, will also be in-charge of the closing ceremony. Kaul, who had been specially chosen by the Lusofonia Games organisers for the task, was awarded ...y más » Leer más: