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Alcaldía ahorrará 60 MDP con reestructura - El Exprés

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Alcaldía ahorrará 60 MDP con reestructuraEl ExprésEl tesorero municipal, José Bolaños Guangorena, informó que ya se firmó el contrato con Bansi para la reestructura de la deuda municipal. El primer crédito reestructurado fue por 187 millones de pesos, deuda que se heredó de la administración de Jorge ...

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Young Kausha impresses again - Times of India

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Young Kausha impresses againTimes of IndiaTaking coaching under the watchful eyes of Lalan Doshi and Bansi Lalcheta, Kausha thrashes Varinya Sani 3-0 to claim U-12 crown and then blanked Mahek Shah with the same score line in the U-15 category. The icing on the cake came when Kausha ...y más »

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Bansi se potepa: Portorož - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaBansi se potepa: PortorožRTV SlovenijaKo zaslišimo ime Portorož ne gre drugače, kot da pomislimo na sonce, morje, počitnice in zabavo. Portorož je turistično mesto, za katerega velja, da ima poleti najbolj obiskano plažo v Sloveniji. Poletni meseci so tam zelo živahni in na vsakem vogalu se ...

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Prisluhnite pravljici o Čarobni vodi - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaPrisluhnite pravljici o Čarobni vodiRTV SlovenijaV nedeljo, 16. marca ste vabljeni, da ob 8. uri zjutraj prisluhnete pravljici na Prvem programu Radia Slovenija. Pravljica z naslovom Čarobna voda bo na sporedu premierno, torej prvič. Avtorica pravljice je Jerneja Pavček, ilustratorka pa Lučka Berlot.

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Sodelujte: Star papir za novo upanje - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaSodelujte: Star papir za novo upanjeRTV SlovenijaDruštvo Ekologi brez meja skupaj s podjetjem Dinos pripravljajo že tretjo izvedbo akcije Star papir za novo upanje 2014, ki se bo zgodila med 17. marcem in 30. aprilom 2014. Z akcijo zbiranja starega papirja želijo opozoriti na problematiko ravnanja z ...y más »

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Najstarejše igrače v Hermanovem brlogu - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaNajstarejše igrače v Hermanovem brloguRTV Slovenija14.03.2014 - Razstava je namenjena otrokom od tretjega leta starosti naprej pa do konca osnovne šole in je zanje brezplačna. V otroškem muzeju Hermanov brlog bodo odprli stalno razstavo Brlog igrač s skoraj 400 igračami iz različnih časovnih obdobij in ...y más »

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Villagers threaten to boycott polls - Hindustan Times

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Villagers threaten to boycott pollsHindustan TimesBansi Lal, a panch, said, "Surveys for the link branch had been done several times by the officials. Residents of Sultanpuriya, Bangi Dhani, Abholi, Nanuana, and Rania villages will benefit if the link branch in place." Another villager Hari Krishan ...

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Sejem Dom: Idej za sobico ne manjka - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaSejem Dom: Idej za sobico ne manjkaRTV SlovenijaDragi starši, skupaj z otroki se lahko v teh dneh udeležite že 53. sejma Dom, ki poteka na Gospodarskem razstavišču v Ljubljani. Prvi sejemski dan bil že torek, 11. marca, ideje za opremo ali prenovo, pohištvo in vse ostalo, pa lahko na sejmu pridobivate še ...y más »

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Kashmiri Pandits Join PDP - freepresskashmir

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freepresskashmirKashmiri Pandits Join PDPfreepresskashmirWhile welcoming T K Raina (retd ACD), Chuni Lal Aima (retd Dy Director Ayurveda), Bansi Lal Koul, Arvind Koul, Raj Kumar Razdan, Rakesh Dhar and others in the partyfold, Mr Mahajan lauded the role of party patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed. The PDP ...

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SVC directs personal appearance of officer investigating Roshni ... - Authint Mail

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SVC directs personal appearance of officer investigating Roshni ...Authint MailThe State Vigilance Organization after exposing the Roshni Land Scam in Jammu (FIR No 6/2014) against the senior functionaries of Revenue Department and the beneficiary - a highly influential businessman and liquor baron of Jammu namely Bansi Lal ...Multi-crore Roshni Land Scam In Jammu And KashmirfreepresskashmirSVC directs personal appearance of Investigating Officer in Roshni ...Kashmir Lifelos 5 artículos informativos »

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Sino-Indian border: Face to face - India Today

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India TodaySino-Indian border: Face to faceIndia TodayBansi Lai Soni, who led the team, claims that rumours of intrusions in several places are true. The army sources, however, say that these are truly borderline cases. "The border is not demarcated at all in the whole region and the local tribals are ...y más »

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SVC directs personal appearance of Investigating Officer in Roshni ... - Kashmir Life

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SVC directs personal appearance of Investigating Officer in Roshni ...Kashmir Life... Wednesday directed the personal appearance of the Investigating Officer (IO), who is investigating the much publicized multi-crore Roshni land scam in Jammu in which a case had been registered against a top businessman of Jammu Bansi Lal Gupta and ...SVC directs personal appearance of officer investigating Roshni ...Authint MailMulti-crore Roshni Land Scam In Jammu And Kashmirfreepresskashmirlos 5 artículos informativos »

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Last week to see 'Sizwe Bansi is Dead' - Charlotte Post

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Charlotte PostLast week to see 'Sizwe Bansi is Dead'Charlotte PostThe lead character, Sizwe Bansi, leaves home in the hopes of finding work only to find that his time to find a job expired before his search even began. “This play shows, at a very personal level, one man's struggle to provide for his family and to ...

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Bodimo naravni in ..."normalni" - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaBodimo naravni in ..."normalni"RTV SlovenijaDružina z otrokom s posebnimi potrebami ni družina s posebnimi potrebami. Je družina, ki je in bo v naši okolici. Ne bojmo se, ne umikajmo se, ne pustimo jih same, vendar se ne vsiljujmo - pravi v intervjuju za specialni pedagog Peter Svetina. Ker so ...

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Še o igrici - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaŠe o igriciRTV SlovenijaPred časom sem že odgovarjal prijateljici Tini, ki me je spraševala, kako naj pri igrici, ki jo igra, pride do čim več denarja. Z mojim takratnim odgovorom ni bila najbolj zadovoljna, zato mi je pisala ponovno. Kot pravi, je slišala, da obstaja program pou-hack, ...

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Natečaj za najboljšo pesem - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaNatečaj za najboljšo pesemRTV SlovenijaPridružili pa so se mu tudi Savska komisija, Slopak, MMC RTV Slovenija s portalom Bansi in Ekošola. Sodelujte torej v tem zelo ekološkem, ustvarjalnem in izobraževalnem projektu. Prijavni obrazec, ki ga izpolnijo učenci skupaj s svojim mentorjem se nahaja ...

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SHOs arrested for corruption move court for anticipatory bail - Times of India

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SHOs arrested for corruption move court for anticipatory bailTimes of IndiaAccused Khan Mohammad, Ravindra Yadav, Jaipal Vishnoi, Hanuman Singh, Sunil Vishnoi and Bansi Lal moved the anticipatory bail application pleading before the court that they are innocent and have nothing to do with the case. Pramod Swami and ...

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Tinkara Kovač je zmagovalka Eme - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaTinkara Kovač je zmagovalka EmeRTV SlovenijaV soboto so Slovenci s telefonskim glasovanjem odločili, da nas bo na Pesmi Evrovizije letos zastopala primorska pevka Tinkara Kovač s pesmijo Spet/Round and Round. Ste morda spremljali festival Ema ali vsaj že slišali zanj? To je vsakoletna glasbena ...y más »

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HJC-bound Venod Sharma sing paeans to Modi - Times of India

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HJC-bound Venod Sharma sing paeans to ModiTimes of India... from making any public announcement about joining any political party. Dharamvir Singh was initially an INLD man, who had once defeated former chief minister Bansi Lal from Tosham assembly constituency. Bansi Lal was Shruti Choudhary's grandfather.y más »

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Bansi, reestructurará la deuda potosina - Plano informativo

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Bansi, reestructurará la deuda potosinaPlano informativoLa tesorería municipal capitalina se inclinó por la propuesta de Bansi para la reestructuración de la deuda, sin embargo, se realizaron ajustes como el plazo ya que fue aprobado en primera instancia fuese hasta por 20 años y hasta 496 millones de pesos ...

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Congress rebels Venod, Dharamvir gear up for Sunday show - Times of India

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Congress rebels Venod, Dharamvir gear up for Sunday showTimes of IndiaA loyalist of chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda, the four-time MLA has alleged that he was being ousted from his home base of Tosham and Badhra. Dharamvir had previously defeated Kiran's father-in-law and former Haryana CM Bansi Lal form Badhra ...y más »

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Página 32 de 69

Grupo Financiero Scotiabank: Ejecutivo/A De Cuenta Bancario En Queretaro
Scotiabank - Chihuahua, Chih. - en Scotiabank!Nuestro grupo tiene un fuerte compromiso en promover un lugar de trabajo en donde te... y/o actividades de Responsabilidad Social. Scotiabank está considerado como el mejor grupo...

Leer más: Ofertas de empleo Scotiabank en México - Opcionempleo