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Prisluhnite današnji oddaji Storž - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaPrisluhnite današnji oddaji StoržRTV SlovenijaDanes od 11. 15 do 12.00 ste vabljeni k poslušanju radijske oddaje Storž, ki bo na Prvem programu Radia Slovenija. O čem bo govorila tokratna oddaja? Verjeli ali ne, tokratna oddaja bo obudila spomin na Kekca in teto Pehto. Nekoč so za očetovo rojstno ...

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Babi, hvala, da si prišla! - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaBabi, hvala, da si prišla!RTV SlovenijaOhranjanje in negovanje medgeneracijskih vezi in tradicije sta v času, v katerem živimo, postala pomemben del vzgoje, pravi za vzgojitejica v vrtcu Zelena jama Anita Golob. Zato sta se s kolegico Sašo v letošnjem šolskem letu odločili dati prednost ...y más »

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Athol Fugard's THE SHADOW OF THE HUMMINGBIRD Makes ... - Broadway World

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Athol Fugard's THE SHADOW OF THE HUMMINGBIRD Makes ...Broadway WorldFugard's best known plays include Bloodknot (1961), Boesman and Lena (1969), Sizwe Bansi is Dead (1972), The Island (1973), "Master Harold" ... and the boys (1982), The Road to Mecca (1984) and My Children! My Africa! (1989). In 2006, the film Tsotsi, ...

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Fitch coloca en observación negativa calificación de Agua Prieta - Rotativo de Querétaro

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Fitch coloca en observación negativa calificación de Agua PrietaRotativo de QuerétaroFitch México colocó hoy en Observación Negativa su calificación de BBB-(mex) del municipio de Agua Prieta, Sonora, y retiró la calificación de BBB(mex) al crédito bancario contratado con Bansi por 70 millones de pesos, debido a su liquidación anticipada.

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Ghulam Nabi Azad files papers for Udhampur seat -

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Ghulam Nabi Azad files papers for Udhampur seatDaijiworld.comA statement issued by the returning officer of Udhampur-Kathua-Doda Lok Sabha constituency said four nominations papers were received Tuesday, including those of Azad, Arshad Mailk of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Anil Khajuria and Bansi ...y más »

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Haryana BJP in Tight Spot As Ally SAD Favours INLD - Outlook

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IBNLiveHaryana BJP in Tight Spot As Ally SAD Favours INLDOutlookSaini was a minister in the Haryana Vikas Party (HVP) government headed by then chief minister Bansi Lal (1996-99). For the Karnal Lok Sabha seat, the BJP has fielded a political greenhorn Ashwini Chopra `Minna'. From its own ranks, the BJP has fielded ...In Haryana, blood thicker than waterHindustan TimesSpouses slug out in Haryana Lok Sabha poll campaignZee Newslos 59 artículos informativos »

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BJP in Catch 22 Situation in Haryana as Ally SAD Favours INLD - The New Indian Express

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BJP in Catch 22 Situation in Haryana as Ally SAD Favours INLDThe New Indian ExpressSaini was a minister in the Haryana Vikas Party (HVP) government headed by then chief minister Bansi Lal (1996-99). For the Karnal Lok Sabha seat, the BJP has fielded a political greenhorn Ashwini Chopra `Minna'. From its own ranks, the BJP has fielded ...

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Torta pomladne sanje - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaTorta pomladne sanjeRTV SlovenijaČudovita narava, sončni dnevi in krajše noči so kot nalašč za lahko kulinariko. Danes bomo pripravili nežno torto, ki bo polna nežnih in sadnih okusov. Prebujanje narave prebuja apetit, kajne? Za biskvit bomo v posodi zmešali 150 g moke in en pecilni prašek ...

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Lok Sabha Polls: Small parties low on budget, but high on hope - Economic Times

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Economic TimesLok Sabha Polls: Small parties low on budget, but high on hopeEconomic TimesTMC's West Delhi candidate Bansi Mishra is one example. The nominations of three Bharat Bhrashtachaar Mitao Party candidates didn't pass muster either. "We have a limited budget. But, we will not give up," said the interestingly named Sanjay Gandhi of ...y más »

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In Haryana, blood thicker than water - Hindustan Times

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Economic TimesIn Haryana, blood thicker than waterHindustan TimesComments. The three famous Lals of Haryana politics — Devi Lal, Bansi Lal and Bhajan Lal — are no more, but their kith and kin are slugging it out in the poll arena, besides other political clans, from most of the 10 Lok Sabha seats in the state ...Spouses slug out in Haryana Lok Sabha poll campaignZee NewsIn Haryana, BJP bets big on turncoatsDaily News & Analysislos 52 artículos informativos »

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Busca el Ayuntamiento de la capital sanear sus finanzas - El Sol de San Luis

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Busca el Ayuntamiento de la capital sanear sus finanzasEl Sol de San LuisPara continuar el refinanciamiento de la deuda propuesto por el alcalde Mario García Valdez y aprobado por el Congreso del Estado y el Cabildo para sanear las finanzas municipales, el ayuntamiento de la capital firmó con la institución crediticia BANSí ...y más »

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Zapojte z Miškolinčkom! - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaZapojte z Miškolinčkom!RTV SlovenijaOb obilici otroških pesmic je dobro ločiti zrno od pleva. Damjana Urh je avtorica in izvajalka nadvse prikupnih pesmic, ki jih (za zdaj) najbolje poznajo otroci iz Postojne in okolice. Damjani ljubezen do "miškolinčkov", kot rada imenuje otroke, kar žari iz oči.

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Inició Institución Bancaria el proceso de refinanciamiento de deuda ... - La Razón

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Inició Institución Bancaria el proceso de refinanciamiento de deuda ...La RazónPara continuar el refinanciamiento de la deuda propuesto por el Alcalde Mario García Valdez y aprobada por el Congreso del Estado y el Cabildo, para sanear las finanzas municipales, el Ayuntamiento de la Capital firmó con la institución crediticia ...y más »

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In season of switching loyalties, Haryana remains true to trend - Hindustan Times

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Indian ExpressIn season of switching loyalties, Haryana remains true to trendHindustan TimesHis hostility with the Bansi Lal family — now represented by Lal's daughter-in-law Kiran Choudhry and her daughter Shruti — is well known. Singh knew that Kiran and Shruti, who is the sitting Congress MP from Bhiwani-Mahendergarh, were a major ...In Haryana, BJP bets big on turncoatsOneindialos 30 artículos informativos »

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Firma Ayuntamiento convenio para refinanciamiento de su deuda - Pulso de San Luis

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Firma Ayuntamiento convenio para refinanciamiento de su deudaPulso de San Luis... por el Congreso del Estado y el Cabildo, para sanear las finanzas municipales, el Ayuntamiento de la Capital informó que firmó con la institución crediticia BANSI, la cual ya hizo el pago a los bancos con los que la administración capitalina tiene ...

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Kiran Chowdhary says political rivalry behind attack on her - Business Standard

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Kiran Chowdhary says political rivalry behind attack on herBusiness Standard... she was campaigning for her daughter, a sitting Congress MP. On Friday, police arrested three youths for their alleged involvement in the attack. Shruti, late Bansi Lal's grand-daughter, is seeking re-election from Bhiwani-Mahendergarh ...y más »

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Modi wave? BJP turns to leaders from other parties in Haryana - Firstpost

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FirstpostModi wave? BJP turns to leaders from other parties in HaryanaFirstpostSaini was a minister in the Haryana Vikas Party (HVP) government headed by then Chief Minister Bansi Lal (1996-1999). For the Karnal Lok Sabha seat, the BJP has fielded a political greenhorn Ashwini Chopra `Minna'. He is a leading vernacular newspaper ...y más »

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Otroški poročevalec: Intervju s Katarino Čas - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaOtroški poročevalec: Intervju s Katarino ČasRTV SlovenijaV oddaji Infodrom, ki jo lahko spremljate vsak delovnik ob 18. 30 na TVS 1 je posebna rubrika z naslovom otroški poročevalec. V njej se mladi nadobudni novinarji pogovarjajo s katero od znanih ali njim zanimivih oseb. Preverite, kakšna vprašanja je 13-letni ...

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High Court dismisses petition of cheque issuer -

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High Court dismisses petition of cheque issuerGreaterKashmir.comJustice Bansi Lal Bhat dismissed the petition by a fruit grower Muhammad Shafi praying for setting aside of proceedings against him in the court of Judicial Magistrate Pulwama. The Judicial Magistrate had issued process against Shafi on a complaint ...

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Three Youths Arrested for Attacking Haryana Minister - The New Indian Express

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Three Youths Arrested for Attacking Haryana MinisterThe New Indian Express... in Narnaul, over 300 km from here. Shruti had blamed their political rival behind the attack. The Congress MP, grand-daughter of former Haryana Chief Minister, late Bansi Lal, is seeking re-election from Bhiwani-Mahendergarh parliamentary seat.Three youths arrested for attacking Haryana minister Kiran ChaudharyHindustan Timeslos 6 artículos informativos »

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Three youths arrested for attacking Haryana minister - Business Standard

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Three youths arrested for attacking Haryana ministerBusiness Standard... over 300 km from here. Shruti had blamed their political rival behind the attack. The Congress MP, grand-daughter of former Haryana Chief Minister, late Bansi Lal, is seeking re-election from Bhiwani-Mahendergarh parliamentary seat. Read more on:.Three youths arrested for attacking Haryana minister Kiran ChaudharyHindustan Timeslos 6 artículos informativos »

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Afirme - Monterrey, N.L. - Afirme, certificado como uno de los mejores lugares para Trabajar por GPTW, seguimos... creciendo y consolidándonos con productos y servicios financieros de alta calidad. Somos un banco...

Leer más: Ofertas de empleo banco afirme en México - Opcionempleo