Sova na verižici bo prinesla srečo! - RTV Slovenija
Martes, 03 de Junio de 2014 00:01
RTV SlovenijaSova na verižici bo prinesla srečo!RTV SlovenijaUstvari si Igre · 3. Koledar Radio Televizija · Poročam Berem Odgovarjam Ustvarjaj! Umetnija dneva Bansi TV Za starše. Sova na verižici bo prinesla srečo! 3. 6. 2014. Danes bomo potrebovali sovico, ki smo jo izdelali včeraj. Na verižici nam bo sova prinesla ... Leer más:
CRISIL ratings for Indian debt instruments-Jun 2 - Reuters
Lunes, 02 de Junio de 2014 04:24
CRISIL ratings for Indian debt instruments-Jun 2Reuters... BB- 40 Assigned B.M. Trivedi CC CRISIL B 70 Assigned Balajee Arun Educational Society LT Bk Fac CRISIL BBB- 120 Assigned Bansi Mall Management Company Pvt Ltd LT Loan CRISIL B- 2063.9 Reaffirmed Bansi Mall Management Company Pvt Ltd LT ...y más » Leer más:
NAGRADNO: 7 DVD-jev! - RTV Slovenija
Lunes, 02 de Junio de 2014 03:15
RTV SlovenijaNAGRADNO: 7 DVD-jev!RTV SlovenijaPišite Bansiju na
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in odgovorite na dve nagradni vprašanji: 1.) Naštejte vsaj dve živali, o kateri smo pisali na Bansijevi spletni strani in živijo tudi v džungli. Malce pobrskajte po Bansijevi spletni strani (sploh rubriki Bansi poroča in nam pošljite ... Leer más:
News Notes - Kashmir Life
Domingo, 01 de Junio de 2014 21:10
Kashmir LifeNews NotesKashmir LifeOn April 7, Justice Bansi Lal Bhat hearing the petition directed secretary home department J&K to file the status report with regard to the deportation of Rubeena to her native country within two weeks. With state failing to file the status report in ...y más » Leer más:
Začimbe in zelišča: petršilj - RTV Slovenija
Domingo, 01 de Junio de 2014 00:01
RTV SlovenijaZačimbe in zelišča: petršiljRTV SlovenijaUstvari si Igre · 1. Koledar Radio Televizija · Poročam Berem Odgovarjam Ustvarjaj! Umetnija dneva Bansi TV Za starše. Začimbe in zelišča: petršilj. 1. 6. 2014. Nadaljujemo s predstavitvijo zdravilnih rastlin in zelišč. Govorili smo že o melisi, danes pa je na ... Leer más:
Stalled road projects to get a push - The Asian Age
Jueves, 29 de Mayo de 2014 18:24
Economic TimesStalled road projects to get a pushThe Asian Age“Road safety will be another focus area for us,” he said, adding that in the shipping sector too projects will be expedited.Mr Pal had been the transport minister of Haryana during the Choudhary Bansi Lal period and in 2009 the BJP assigned him the ...Fast-tracking stalled highway projectss top priority: Krishan PalHindustan TimesFast-tracking stalled highway projects top priority: Krishan Palmydigitalfc.comlos 21 artículos informativos » Leer más:
Fast-tracking stalled highway projectss top priority: Krishan Pal - Hindustan Times
Jueves, 29 de Mayo de 2014 07:08
Economic TimesFast-tracking stalled highway projectss top priority: Krishan PalHindustan TimesGujjar had been the transport minister of Haryana during Choudhary Bansi Lal period and in 2009 the BJP assigned him the post of State President of the party. Advertisement. upa · minister of state for road transport & highways and shipping · krishan ...Fast-tracking stalled highway projects is top priority: Krishan PalHindu Business Linelos 21 artículos informativos » Leer más:
Fast-tracking stalled highway projects top priority: Krishan Pal - Times of India
Jueves, 29 de Mayo de 2014 03:29
Times of IndiaFast-tracking stalled highway projects top priority: Krishan PalTimes of India... for us," he said, adding that in the Shipping sector too projects will be expedited. Pal had been the transport minister of Haryana during Choudhary Bansi Lal period and in 2009 the BJP assigned him the post of State President of the party. Post a ...y más » Leer más:
Pilot dies in MiG-21 crash in south Kashmir - Hindustan Times
Jueves, 29 de Mayo de 2014 01:35
NDTVPilot dies in MiG-21 crash in south KashmirHindustan TimesThe pilot, squadron leader Raghu Bansi was killed. “One MiG-21 aircraft of the IAF crashed about 10km short of Awantipur Airbase. The pilot, airborne from Srinagar, was on a routine training sortie,” said a Srinagar-based defence spokesperson. “A court ...MIG-21 crashes in J&K, pilot deadTimes of IndiaIAF's MiG-21 crashes in Kashmir, pilot deadIndia TodayIndian Air Force fighter plane MIG 21 crashes; Omar Abdullah -Livemint -IBNLivelos 121 artículos informativos » Leer más:
It's In Queens! (May 29 to June 4) - Western Queens Gazette
Miércoles, 28 de Mayo de 2014 09:51
It's In Queens! (May 29 to June 4)Western Queens GazetteMay 30-31, Sizwi Bansi is Dead, 7:30 pm (June 1 at 3 pm). The Caribbean American Repertory Theatre honors South Africa with an award-winning play depicting the inhumanity of the apartheid system. $20. L. Charles Gray Theatre, Presbyterian Church of St. Leer más:
Mukherjee condoles crash of MIG-21 - Free Press Journal
Miércoles, 28 de Mayo de 2014 02:36
Free Press JournalMukherjee condoles crash of MIG-21Free Press Journal... “I am saddened to learn about the tragic crash a MIG-21 fighter aircraft of the Indian Air Force in Bijbehara area of Anantnag district in Jammu and Kashmir today, in which the pilot, Squadron Leader Raghu Bansi, lost his life and the co-pilot ...IAF's MiG-21 crashes in Kashmir, pilot deadIndia TodayMIG-21 crashes in J&K, pilot deadTimes of IndiaPilot dies in MiG-21 crash in south KashmirHindustan TimesDay & Night News -The New Indian Express -Deccan Heraldlos 123 artículos informativos » Leer más:
Pilot dies after MiG fighter plane crashes in J&K - Mumbai Mirror
Martes, 27 de Mayo de 2014 20:01
Pilot dies after MiG fighter plane crashes in J&KMumbai MirrorThe lone pilot on board was identified as squadron leader Raghu Bansi. The aircraft, MiG 21 Bison of Indian Air Force, has been notorious for mishaps and has earned nicknames such as "flying coffin" and "widow-maker". Defence official issued a ... Leer más:
Cabinet restructuring : 17 ministries clubbed under 7 ministers -
Martes, 27 de Mayo de 2014 14:41
indiatvnews.comCabinet restructuring : 17 ministries clubbed under 7 ministersindiatvnews.comLate Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi brought together the infrastructure department of Railways, Shipping and Civil Aviation under one combined Ministry of Transport headed by late Bansi Lal. He had three Ministers of States to help him. Gandhi also ...y más » Leer más:
IAF 'fighter plane' crashes in Kashmir -
Martes, 27 de Mayo de 2014 14:15
IAF 'fighter plane' crashes in KashmirGreaterKashmir.comThe plane crashed in an agriculture field at 10:50 am in Marhama village of Sangam, resulting in death of an IAF Squadron leader Raghu Bansi. “A pilot of IAF was killed after his MiG-21 crashed today at Marhama,” Army spokesperson Lt Col NN Joshi said. Leer más:
Pilot killed in MiG-21 jet crash - Deccan Herald
Martes, 27 de Mayo de 2014 14:06
Pilot killed in MiG-21 jet crashDeccan HeraldReports said the single-seater MiG-21 jet, a Russian-built aircraft, crashed in an open agricultural field at around 10:50 am in Marhama village in Bijbehara, 45 km from here, resulting into the death of squadron leader Raghu Bansi. Srinagar based ... Leer más:
MiG-21 crashes in Bijbehara, pilot killed - Rising Kashmir
Martes, 27 de Mayo de 2014 13:56
Rising KashmirMiG-21 crashes in Bijbehara, pilot killedRising Kashmir“The crash took place at 10:48 am, killing the pilot, Squadron leader Raghu Bansi,” he said. He said cause of crash is being ascertained. “A court of inquiry has been ordered to establish the facts,” he said. The crash, however, did not cause loss of ... Leer más:
Fiftieth Anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru's Death Today - Huffington Post (blog)
Martes, 27 de Mayo de 2014 13:31
Fiftieth Anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru's Death TodayHuffington Post (blog)Gangadhar's eldest son, Bansi Dhar Nehru, worked in the judicial department of the British Government and, being appointed successively to various places, was partly cut off from the rest of the family. The second son, Nand Lal Nehru, entered the ...y más » Leer más:
Pilot killed in Indian Air Force MiG crash -
Martes, 27 de Mayo de 2014 08:57
NDTVPilot killed in Indian Air Force MiG crashgulfnews.comLocal officials said the pilot's body had been recovered. A police officer identified him as Squadron Leader Raghu Bansi. “His body has been ... airlifted to the IAF field station. Army, IAF and police teams are at the crash site. The debris of the ...MiG-21 crashes in Bijbehara, pilot killedRising KashmirPresident Pranab condoles death of IAF pilot in MIG crashZee NewsMIG-21 crashes in Bijbehara, pilot deadKashmir ReaderBusiness Standard -Kashmir Dispatch -Deccan Chroniclelos 121 artículos informativos » Leer más:
MiG-21 Crashes in Jammu and Kashmir, Pilot Dead -
Martes, 27 de Mayo de 2014 05:00
Indiatimes.comMiG-21 Crashes in Jammu and Kashmir, Pilot a.m."The pilot from Srinagar was on a routine training sortie," the statement said.The pilot was killed but there were no other casualties. Local officials said the pilot's body had been recovered. A police officer identified him as Squadron Leader ...Indian jet fighter crashes in Indian Kashmir, pilot killedNational Turk Englishlos 21 artículos informativos » Leer más:
Portfolio restructuring: 17 ministries clubbed under 7 ministers - Hindu Business Line
Martes, 27 de Mayo de 2014 03:15
Business TodayPortfolio restructuring: 17 ministries clubbed under 7 ministersHindu Business LineLate Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi brought together the infrastructure department of Railways, Shipping and Civil Aviation under one combined Ministry of Transport headed by late Bansi Lal. He had three Ministers of States to help him. Gandhi also ...Narendra Modi to head lean CabinetKhaleej Timeslos 4.324 artículos informativos » Leer más: