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Prihaja Lola - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaPrihaja LolaRTV SlovenijaOriana ob sobotah zjutraj na TV SLO 1 spremlja filme iz televizijske rubrike Kino Kekec. Pravi, da je bil pred časom na sporedu tudi film Prihaja Lola, ki je nastal po knjižni uspešnici pisateljice Isabel Abedi. Zanima jo, ali si bo v kratkem po televiziji lahko ...y más »

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Taking the poor out of Poorvanchal - Financial Express

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Taking the poor out of PoorvanchalFinancial ExpressAnd how come Chaudhary Charan Singh's dynasty (Ajit and his son Jayant) are the Jat leaders of western UP, but just across the Yamuna in Haryana, it is the dynasties of Devi Lal, Bansi Lal and now Bhupinder Singh Hooda? None of them count for anything ...

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Writings On The Wall: Taking the poor out of Poorvanchal - Indian Express

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Indian ExpressWritings On The Wall: Taking the poor out of PoorvanchalIndian ExpressAnd how come Chaudhary Charan Singh's dynasty (Ajit and his son Jayant) are the Jat leaders of western UP, but just across the Yamuna in Haryana, it is the dynasties of Devi Lal, Bansi Lal and now Bhupinder Singh Hooda? None of them count for anything ...

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Holly Griffith Wins University of Wyoming National Theatre Essay ... - University of Wyoming News

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Holly Griffith Wins University of Wyoming National Theatre Essay ...University of Wyoming NewsHer essay, “Through the Lens of Apartheid: The Shifting of Perspectives for Sizwe Bansi is Dead,” was selected in the national competition adjudicated by a team led by Jim Volz, Consultants for the Arts president. “Referencing the terrors of apartheid ...

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Ayuntamiento ahorrará 180 mil pesos mensuales - El Exprés

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Ayuntamiento ahorrará 180 mil pesos mensualesEl Exprés... ahorrados equivaldrán a 180 mil pesos mensuales que entrarán como flujo para las necesidades que requiera la alcaldía. Hay que recordar que el contrato de préstamo fue adquirido con la empresa Bansi a pagar en un periodo no mayor a 15 años.y más »

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Fitch México eleva calificación a crédito de Tamazunchale con ... - Pulso de San Luis

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Pulso de San LuisFitch México eleva calificación a crédito de Tamazunchale con ...Pulso de San LuisFitch México subió a “BBB(mex)vra” desde “BB+(mex)vra” la calificación de un crédito bancario contratado por el municipio de Tamazunchale, San Luis Potosí con el banco Bansi, por un monto de 43 millones de pesos y con vencimiento en mayo de 2026.y más »

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Family that raised Lohia forgotten by SP - Times of India

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Family that raised Lohia forgotten by SPTimes of IndiaLohia spent his childhood days in Bansi's house after losing his mother, Janaki Devi, when he was only six months old. "My grandmother Sarju Dai brought him here and used to even feed him," recalls Bansi, a man of fragile frame. "Once Lohia's father ...y más »

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HC seeks report on Dal lake pollution - Kashmir Reader

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HC seeks report on Dal lake pollutionKashmir Reader“The report shall be appended with a detailed map to elucidate the report and identify source of water pollution to lake with necessary precision,” the bench, also comprising Justice Bansi Lal Bhat, added. The direction by the bench followed its ...Untreated water & inlet points in Dal LakeRising Kashmirlos 3 artículos informativos »

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A Ray of Light - The New Indian Express

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A Ray of LightThe New Indian ExpressYet the film began in obscurity and with unknown actors and little-known technicians like cinematographer Subrata Mitra and art director Bansi Chandragupta, both of whom would gain international recognition for creating a vividly real and yet magical ...y más »

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Lightning kills 3, injures 11 - Republica

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Lightning kills 3, injures 11RepublicaLikewise, four members of a same family were injured when lighting struck them when they were in the house at Rajgadh-8 of Jhapa district. The injured are Mangal Sari Rajbasi, 45, Chandra Raj Bansi, 35, Sunati Rajbansi, 13, and Bishnu Raj Bansi, 22.y más »

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Umerkot among top 5 food-insecure districts of Pakistan - Daily Times

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Umerkot among top 5 food-insecure districts of PakistanDaily Times... insecurity issue in area. Saroop Malhi, Abdul Haleem Soomro, Bansi Lal Malhi and others demanded government of Sindh should take sizeable measures to overcome the issue of food insecurity especially in Umerkot, Tharparkar, Badin and Thatta districts.

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New political party to take off from shut airline office - Times of India

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Times of IndiaNew political party to take off from shut airline officeTimes of India... would be free from caste politics. "People of Haryana are looking for a viable alternative. The state's politics has been under the control of two or three political families (Chautalas, Bhajan Lal, Bansi Lal and Hooda families), we want to change ...Gopal Kanda pulls out from Bhupinder Singh Hooda government ...Daily News & Analysislos 18 artículos informativos »

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A Kashmiri Pandit who followed Hurriyat's boycott call - Kashmir Reader

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Kashmir ReaderA Kashmiri Pandit who followed Hurriyat's boycott callKashmir ReaderTulmulla (Ganderbal): Bansi Lal says he seldom hurts feelings of his Muslim neighbours, and when it comes to elections, he decides to vote or not to vote only after watching the trend among his neighbours. On Wednesday, when Kashmir went for second ...

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Bansi v vrtcu Videm Dobrepolje - RTV Slovenija

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Bansi v vrtcu Videm DobrepoljeRTV SlovenijaVedeli so, da je to slon, ki živi v računalniku in ga lahko gledajo na spletni strani, pa tudi na televiziji na Otroškem kanalu, ki je na sporedu predvidoma vsak delavnik ob 9. 00 na TVS 2. Bansi je otrokom razložil, kako je potrebno skrbeti za planet ...

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Crocodile drags away boy near Sama canal - Times of India

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Crocodile drags away boy near Sama canalTimes of IndiaWe cried for help but it was too late," said Bansi Sharma, who accompanied Yadav to the river. The boys stay in Vijaynagar Society in Sama and are natives of Uttar Pradesh. Yadav did painting jobs for a living. The fire brigade personnel will begin ...

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Feeling hoarse? Acid may be slowly destroying your throat and, over ... - Daily Mail

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Daily MailFeeling hoarse? Acid may be slowly destroying your throat and, over ...Daily MailDr Devinder Bansi, a consultant gastroenterologist at the Bupa Cromwell Hospital, says his colleagues in the ear, nose and throat unit often call him in to see 'respiratory' patients who actually have acid reflux. Other common symptoms include ...y más »

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En caminata ganaron Nancy Cerda y Rafael López - El Sol de San Luis

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En caminata ganaron Nancy Cerda y Rafael LópezEl Sol de San LuisVARONIL: 1er lugar Manuel Rojo Martínez, Pozos, 19'17''; 2º Pedro Gaytán Padrón, La Loma CD, 34'24''; 3º Nicolás Hernández Delgadillo, Bansi, 36'49''. CATEGORÍA C 50 A 54 AÑOS FEMENIL: 1er lugar María Eugenia Zapata Perogordo, Libre, 29'40'', ...y más »

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Križevniška ulica zelena in pesniška - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaKriževniška ulica zelena in pesniškaRTV SlovenijaUstvari si Igre · 28. Koledar Radio Televizija · Poročam Berem Odgovarjam Ustvarjaj! Umetnija dneva Bansi TV Za starše. Križevniška ulica zelena in pesniška. 28. 4. 2014. Križevniška ulica na kateri se nahaja Mini teater in azisjka restavracija Shambala je v ...

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Triki pri angleščini - RTV Slovenija

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RTV SlovenijaTriki pri angleščiniRTV SlovenijaPred dnevi mi je že poslala svoje vprašanje o gosti juhi, pripis z vprašanjem o angleščini pa sem tako nespretno spregledal. Še dobro, da se mi je še enkrat oglasila! Pa poglejva, kaj ti lahko svetujem. Vem, da se angleščino učite v šoli. Tam rešujete tudi ...

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Scrapping voting rights of nominated LAHDC members - Kashmir Reader

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Scrapping voting rights of nominated LAHDC membersKashmir ReaderBesides the notice returnable within two weeks, a single bench of Justice Bansi Lal Bhat also directed that “subject to objections of the other side, it is provided that, present position of the petitioners shall be maintained till next date of hearing.”y más »

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Tufail Mattoo killing: CBK calls for police record, seeks 12 weeks to ... - Kashmir Reader

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Tufail Mattoo killing: CBK calls for police record, seeks 12 weeks to ...Kashmir ReaderWhile taking the CBK report on record, a bench of Justice Bansi Lal Bhat asked petitioner, maternal uncle of the teenager, to file response to it within two weeks. On February last, the High Court had ordered fresh investigation into the killing, and ...y más »

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