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Home Bansí Delhi's e-rickshaws - The Day After

Delhi's e-rickshaws - The Day After

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The Day AfterDelhi's e-rickshawsThe Day AfterBansi Lal's monthly income has almost trebled -- from Rs.5,000 to Rs.15,000 -- since he switched over from his rickety pedal rickshaw to a battery-powered one. The advent of e-rickshaws, so called because they run on batteries and are thus non ...y más »

Leer más: Bansí: Google Noticias


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Ciudad de México - de: AGENTE TELEFÓNICO VENTAS SANTANDER Horario: LUNES A SÁBADO 15:00 a 21:00 horas Zona..., médicas, del hogar) a clientes Santander Ofrecemos: Sueldo base de $4,293 al mes + bonos...

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