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Home Bansí Future Market - Sale of Investment -

Future Market - Sale of Investment -

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Future Market - Sale of InvestmentMoneycontrol.comFuture Market Networks Ltd has informed BSE that the Company transferred 10,00,000 Preference Shares held by it in Bansi Mall Management Company Private Limited for a total consideration of Rs. 20,00,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Crores Only). The said ...

Leer más: Bansí: Google Noticias


(EW-69) | Ejecutivo En Colocacio´N De Cre´Dito Automotriz Hsbc
Conjur - Quintana Roo - DE CREDITO AUTOMOTRIZ PARA HSBC ZONA CANCUN QRO. REQUISITOS 21 en adelante Bachillerato...-colocacion-credito-automotriz-hsbc-quintana-roo/...

Leer más: Ofertas de empleo HSBC en México - Opcionempleo