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Home Bansí Lemont's FBLA chapter posts eight first-place finishes at regional ... - Chicago Tribune

Lemont's FBLA chapter posts eight first-place finishes at regional ... - Chicago Tribune

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Lemont's FBLA chapter posts eight first-place finishes at regional ...Chicago TribuneJuniors Roy DelaTorre, Santino Fortino and Connor Koehler placed second in Global Business; juniors Rachael Hill and Mairead Hogan were the runner-up in Emerging Business Issues; juniors Emma O'Leary and Bansi Padalia finished second in Business ...

Leer más: Bansí: Google Noticias


Asesor (a) de credito Sucursal Tecamac - Acolman
Credito SI - Tecámac, Méx. - - Financiera crédito si / Banco Afirme Solicita personal con experiencia en el área...

Leer más: Ofertas de empleo banco afirme en México - Opcionempleo