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Home Bansí At Kaladera farmers battle beverage giant - The Hindu

At Kaladera farmers battle beverage giant - The Hindu

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The HinduAt Kaladera farmers battle beverage giantThe HinduTill the late 1990s, Bansi Aheer, like all other farmers around Kaladera, used to irrigate his seven-bigha farm, drawing water from a well. “Water was easily available at about 40 feet. But it dropped annually by one or two feet and later by eight or ...y más »

Leer más: Bansí: Google Noticias


Ejecutivo De Cre´Dito Automotriz Hsbc - Saltillo
Conjur - Saltillo, Coah. - DE CREDITO AUTOMOTRIZ PARA HSBC - SALTILLO COAH.REQUISITOS•Bachillerato concluido•Perfil Ejecutivo...

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