PODARJAMO: Bio užitek presenečenja - RTV Slovenija
Miércoles, 11 de Septiembre de 2013 00:01
RTV SlovenijaPODARJAMO: Bio užitek presenečenjaRTV SlovenijaV teh prvih septembrskih dneh je izšla prava ekološka zakladnica, polna koristnih in zdravih nasvetov ter kulinaričnih presenečenj, v katerih se boste lahko preizkusili tako vi, kot vaši starši. Gre za Gurmansko pratiko - vodnik po ekološki kulinariki, ki je izšel pri ... Leer más:
The Ultimate Loyalist - India Today
Martes, 10 de Septiembre de 2013 09:05
The Ultimate LoyalistIndia TodayThat is eight times more than the 356.72 acres per year by six of his predecessors-Devi Lal, Bhajan Lal, Bansi Lal, interim CMs Hukum Singh and Banarsi Das Gupta, and Om Prakash Chautala. He insists the criticism is unfair. "I have given economic value ... Leer más:
Kako postati otroški poročevalec? - RTV Slovenija
Martes, 10 de Septiembre de 2013 03:38
RTV SlovenijaKako postati otroški poročevalec?RTV SlovenijaPoročali smo že, da se je oddaja Infodrom, ki spada med oddaje, ki ponuja najrazličnejše vsebine za mlade, po poletnih počitnicah, vrnila na zaslone. Spremljate jo lahko vsak dan od ponedeljka do petka ob 18. 30 na Prvem programu Televizije Slovenija. Leer más:
Hot, humid north sweats in absence of rain - Zee News
Martes, 03 de Septiembre de 2013 12:30
Hot, humid north sweats in absence of rainZee NewsBansi recorded 90mm rainfall followed by Birdghat (80mm) and Kakrahi and Regoli (70mm each). Meanwhile, the state relief commissioner's office has said that the Ganga was flowing more than 2m above the danger mark at Ballia and had breached the red ...y más » Leer más:
Bhagwat Katha Presented by Shri Krishna Goswamiji - India West
Domingo, 01 de Septiembre de 2013 21:38
India WestBhagwat Katha Presented by Shri Krishna GoswamijiIndia WestHis discourse was interspersed with melodious bhajans like “Maine dundh liya jag saara, munjhe mila Bansi wala,” “Banke Bihari pyaaro meri aankhon ko pyaaro,” and others, which had the devotees dancing and clapping. Accompanying the bhajans he had ... Leer más:
BJP protests against 20% quota for minorities - Times of India
Sábado, 31 de Agosto de 2013 00:37
BJP protests against 20% quota for minoritiesTimes of IndiaAnkitia (7) of Gagha, Gorakhpur, Aman (14) of Chauri Chaura, Gorakhpur and Golu (4), of Bansi, Sidhartha Nagar died due to the fatal disease and 20 new cases of encephalitis have been admitted to the hospital since Thursday. While 9 of the victims are ... Leer más:
Se ahorrará Coahuila $6 millones al mes - Periódico Zócalo
Viernes, 30 de Agosto de 2013 03:02
Dinero.comSe ahorrará Coahuila $6 millones al mesPeriódico ZócaloEn un comunicado, la firma asignó la calificación “BBB+(mex)vra” a los créditos contratados por 33 mil 691 millones con Banorte, Interacciones, HSBC, Multiva, Santander, Bancomer, Bansi y Banamex. Las calificaciones asignadas contemplan el ajuste a la ...Mejora Fitch calificación de CoahuilaEl Norte.com (Suscripción)los 20 artículos informativos » Leer más:
Ch Kuldeep Bishnoi s Impressive Political Career - SpeakingTree (blog)
Miércoles, 28 de Agosto de 2013 02:26
Ch Kuldeep Bishnoi s Impressive Political CareerSpeakingTree (blog)It was in this elections that he defeated Late Ch. Surinder Singh of the HVP on his home turf, who was the son of Late Ch. Bansi Lal, a former senior Congress leader and former Chief Minister of Haryana. In the same 2004 elections, Ch. Kuldeep Bishnoi ...y más » Leer más:
Mejora Fitch calificación de Coahuila - El Norte.com (Suscripción)
Martes, 27 de Agosto de 2013 19:47
Mejora Fitch calificación de CoahuilaEl Norte.com (Suscripción)A través de un comunicado, la firma asignó la calificación 'BBB+(mex)vra' a los créditos contratados por 33 mil 691 millones de pesos con Banorte, Interacciones, HSBC, Multiva, Santander, Bancomer, Bansi y Banamex. "Es importante mencionar que las ...y más » Leer más:
Rivers in spate in UP, flood situation worsens - Indian Express
Martes, 27 de Agosto de 2013 04:23
Indian ExpressRivers in spate in UP, flood situation worsensIndian ExpressMet office said that light to moderate rains and thundershowers occurred at isolated places in the last 24 hours. (IE Photo: Anand Singh). Chief amount of rainfall recorded in cms are:- Kakrahi-6, Bansi-4, Basti, Nagina and Moradabad-3 each. (IE Photo ...13 killed as flood situation turns grim in UPBusiness Standardlos 30 artículos informativos » Leer más:
Flood situation grim in Allahabad Gorakhpur major rivers above ... - Jagran Post
Martes, 27 de Agosto de 2013 01:46
Jagran PostFlood situation grim in Allahabad Gorakhpur major rivers above ...Jagran PostChief amount of rainfall recorded in centimeters are - Kakrahi-6, Bansi-4, Basti, Nagina and Moradabad-3 each. (Agencies). Latest News from Uttar Pradesh News Desk. 27 Aug 2013, 12:10 PM. Flood in Uttar Pradesh; ,; UP flood; ,; Flood situation in UP ...y más » Leer más:
Rivers in spate in UP, flood situation worsens in Allahabad - Zee News
Lunes, 26 de Agosto de 2013 09:18
Rivers in spate in UP, flood situation worsens in AllahabadZee NewsMet office said that light to moderate rains and thundershowers occurred at isolated places in the last 24 hours. Chief amount of rainfall recorded in cms are:- Kakrahi-6, Bansi-4, Basti, Nagina and Moradabad-3 each. PTI. Post Comments. Name: Place: E ... Leer más:
Varno v šolo: Bodite zgled - RTV Slovenija
Lunes, 26 de Agosto de 2013 02:19
RTV SlovenijaVarno v šolo: Bodite zgledRTV SlovenijaČez točno teden dni bo prvi šolski dan vseh učencev in dijakov. Prvič se jim bodo pridružili tudi prvošolčki. Ob začetku šolskega leta iz Agencije za varnost prometa vse voznike opozarjajo, da bodo otroci ponovno bolj pogosto in v večjem številu prisotni na ... Leer más:
Zakaj so oči včasih rdeče? - RTV Slovenija
Domingo, 25 de Agosto de 2013 00:00
RTV SlovenijaZakaj so oči včasih rdeče?RTV SlovenijaČe smo utrujeni ali pa smo predolgo sedeli pred računalnikom, televizijo, lahko imamo rdeče oči. Urška Lota me sprašuje, zakaj se v očeh včasih vidijo rdeče žilice in potem izgleda, kot da so oči rdeče. Razlogov za pojav rdečih žilic je lahko več. V očeh ... Leer más:
Debunking the Myth of Innovation - Inc.com
Jueves, 22 de Agosto de 2013 04:02
Inc.comDebunking the Myth of InnovationInc.comNot that much, suggests a 2012 report by innovation consultants Bansi Nagji and Geoff Tuff. In a survey of publicly traded companies across the industrial, technology, and consumer-goods sectors, they found that the most successful businesses allocated ... Leer más:
Great British Poker - Poker Player
Jueves, 22 de Agosto de 2013 04:01
Great British PokerPoker PlayerAmy ended up in 28th place and our good friend Praz Bansi finished 15th. The final table also had a good British representation, although Julian Gardner was particularly unlucky (T-5 getting cracked by A-8 on a T-T-9 flop!) to bust in 10th place. It ... Leer más:
Abona Coahuila 575 mdp a deuda - El Norte.com (Suscripción)
Miércoles, 21 de Agosto de 2013 20:49
Abona Coahuila 575 mdp a deudaEl Norte.com (Suscripción)Los 575 millones de pesos se distribuirán a los bancos Interacciones, Multiva, Banorte, Bancomer, Mifel, Bansi, Santander, HSBC y Banamex, que forman parte del fideicomiso maestro de pago creado expresamente como parte de los compromisos de ... Leer más:
Paddlers Bhavina, Sonal win paralympics gold - Times of India
Miércoles, 21 de Agosto de 2013 14:49
Paddlers Bhavina, Sonal win paralympics goldTimes of IndiaBhavina and Sonal, who are coached by Lalan Doshi and Bansi Lalcheta, had it easy even in the final as they got past Thailand 3-1 to finish top of the podium. Even in the individual events too both the girls impressed with Bhavina settling for silver ... Leer más:
Autoriza Congreso más deuda para Solidaridad - Sipse.com
Miércoles, 21 de Agosto de 2013 08:31
Sipse.comAutoriza Congreso más deuda para SolidaridadSipse.comDe acuerdo con el Registro Único de Obligaciones y Empréstitos del Estado de Quintana Roo, Solidaridad contrató dos créditos con Bansi en 2012, uno por 386 millones 326 mil 371 pesos y uno más por 130 millones 673 mil 629 pesos; ambos se ... Leer más:
Woman, ex-cop robbed at knifepoint in different incidents - Times of India
Lunes, 19 de Agosto de 2013 14:53
Woman, ex-cop robbed at knifepoint in different incidentsTimes of IndiaWhile the retired cop was scolding the biker for traffic violation, the food stall owner Joseph Alexander alias Anna, 45, a resident of Bansi Nagar, started abusing him and picked up an argument. Within minutes, another youth standing nearby also ... Leer más: