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Home American Express 동방신기_東方神起_DbSk_TvXq_ThSk_GuAdAlAjArA_MeXiCo: 100531 ...

동방신기_東方神起_DbSk_TvXq_ThSk_GuAdAlAjArA_MeXiCo: 100531 ...

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There wasn't a distinct melody, but shall I say that the tune was able to express everything that it needed to? From then on, I searched for this artiste online and listened to his songs whenever it rained. The guitar part is the prettiest in .... There is a famous story circulating that the American staff, who had looked down upon U-Know Yunho as an artiste famous only in Asia, changed their attitudes after they watched him perform. U-Know Yunho said, "I want to be an ... 동방신기_東方神起_DbSk_TvXq_T... -

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